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April 25, 2024


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Doing Business in Argentina: Pros and Cons








Doing Business in Argentina: Pros and Cons


Argentina, a country known for its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history, also stands as a compelling arena for business and investment in South America. With a strategic geographic location that provides access to significant regional markets, Argentina has long captured the interest of international investors and entrepreneurs. 

This nation, which has a diverse economy with sectors ranging from agriculture to technology, presents unique opportunities that can appeal to anyone, from digital nomads to financially independent people, retirees, global investors, and people who just want to live in Argentina. 

Despite its appealing prospects, doing business in Argentina involves navigating a complex landscape characterized by economic fluctuations, regulatory challenges, and the nuances of local business culture.

In this comprehensive overview, we will dive into the pros and cons of entering the Argentine market, exploring the advantages of its strategic location, rich natural resources, and skilled labor force, while also examining the challenges posed by economic volatility, regulatory complexities, and more.

Quick Facts about Argentina's Business and Economy

The Argentine business environment is influenced by its rich natural resources, including some of the world's most fertile agricultural land, significant mineral deposits, and vast energy resources. These assets have positioned the country as a key player in the global economy.

Economic Growth

Argentina's economy has demonstrated resilience amidst various challenges, reflecting a complex interplay of factors influencing growth rates. In 2023, the nation's GDP growth projections varied, highlighting its economic volatility and the impact of both domestic and international conditions. 

In 2023, the country witnessed a significant economic event as Argentina's GDP contracted by 4.9 percent year-on-year in the second quarter, largely due to a historic drought that severely impacted grain production. This marked the first such decline since the fourth quarter of 2020, underscoring the vulnerability of the Argentine economy to environmental factors and global commodity price fluctuations. 

However, the economy showed signs of recovery, expanding by 2.72 percent in the third quarter over the previous quarter, suggesting a degree of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Inflation Rate

Inflation has persistently been one of the most significant challenges for Argentina, deeply affecting its economic stability and purchasing power. Throughout 2023, the country continued to battle high inflation rates, which have long been a hallmark of its economic landscape. These rates impact not only the cost of living for residents but also operational and planning aspects for businesses. High inflation necessitates frequent adjustments in pricing, wages, and budget forecasts, complicating long-term business strategies and consumer purchasing power.

The Argentine government, in response to these challenges, has implemented various monetary and fiscal measures aimed at curbing inflation. Despite this, Argentina ended 2023 with an inflation rate of 211% , marking the fastest increase in three decades. For investor it is also important to keep in mind that there are official and commercial currency exchange rates.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Argentina saw considerable activity in the first quarter of 2023, with net inflows amounting to USD 3,810 million. This represented a real growth rate of 2% year-on-year. The FDI inflows were predominantly through debt transactions and the reinvestment of profits. The sectors that attracted the most FDI during this period were deposit-taking institutions (excluding the BCRA), which accounted for 32% of the FDI flows, the manufacturing industry with 29%, and mining and quarrying activities with 14%. 

The United States emerged as the primary source of FDI flows into Argentina, followed by Brazil and Spain. As of March 31, 2023, the gross FDI liability position in Argentina reached USD 133,304 million, demonstrating substantial interest and confidence from international investors in the Argentine market

Top Sectors of the Economy

Argentina's economy is supported by several key sectors that drive growth and international trade across South America and globally. 

Agriculture and Livestock: This sector is pivotal, with Argentina being a top exporter of soybeans, corn, beef, and wheat, leveraging the fertile Pampas region. In fact, Argentina is one of the largest exporters of beef and wheat in the world.  Renowned globally for its high-quality wines, Argentina ranks as one of the largest wine producers in the world. In 2024, the revenue in Argentina's wine market is projected to reach USD 2,909.0 million.

Energy and Mining: Significant investments in shale gas and oil, notably in the Vaca Muerta formation, alongside mining activities for lithium, gold, and copper, position Argentina as a leader in energy and mineral resources in South America

Manufacturing: Diverse manufacturing activities, including automotive and food processing industries, contribute significantly to Argentina's economy.

Services: The services sector, including tourism, financial services, and IT, is growing, with Buenos Aires being a key cultural and financial hub.

Exports and Imports

Brazil, China, and the United States are Argentina's main export partners, reflecting the country's strong trade ties with these nations. Imports into Argentina include machinery, motor vehicles, petroleum and natural gas, organic chemicals, and plastics, mainly from China, Brazil, and the United States​. For exports, Argentina occupies the leading positions in agriculture, the auto industry, and natural resources. 

National Currency 

In 2023, Argentina faced significant economic measures, including a dramatic devaluation of its currency. The peso was devalued by over 50% to 800 per dollar as part of a series of economic shock treatments to address the country's deep financial crisis. These measures were aimed at tackling issues like the fiscal deficit and triple-digit inflation. The new economic policies introduced by the government were described as painful but necessary to steer the economy back on track and avoid further catastrophe.


Argentina, with its new government, is leading the way in cryptocurrency adoption. The embrace of cryptocurrency was a fundamental aspect of President Javier Milei's campaign platform. The new Argentine government has officially endorsed contracts denominated in Bitcoin, making them legally valid in the country's courts. It's amazing how widely used USDT, BTC, and other cryptocurrencies are in both the retail and business sectors, according to on-the-ground research.

Real Estate Market Trends

Argentina's real estate market is on track for significant growth, with projections indicating a rise to USD 3.28 trillion by 2024. The residential segment is expected to dominate, aiming for US$2.18 trillion in the same year. 

The market's growth rate from 2024 to 2028 is forecasted at 0.90% annually, reaching USD 3.40 trillion by 2028. Despite this impressive growth, it's important to note that Argentina's market value remains behind China's, which leads globally. There's also an increasing demand for luxury properties across the country, fueled by foreign investment interest.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Argentina has multiple enabling factors for innovation and entrepreneurship: a skilled labor force, a diversified industrial base, geographical location, and a fixed investment in higher education and scientific research.

Besides the above, the World Bank's initiative, with a $200 million loan to Argentina, targets sustainable growth via innovation and entrepreneurship. Through technological adoption and public-private partnerships, the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion is focusing on strengthening the innovation system and increasing private sector productivity. Special emphasis is on low-carbon technologies and supporting ventures led by women and youth in vulnerable situations.

Sustainability and Renewable Energy

While being the 8th largest country in the world by territory, since 2016, Argentina has advanced its renewable energy agenda, initiating projects that are set to boost its renewable capacity by over 6,300 MW. This initiative aligns with the nation's ambition to have renewable sources supply 20% of its energy needs by 2025, concentrating on wind, solar, and other renewable energies. Despite facing economic and political hurdles, Argentina has achieved notable progress in its renewable energy production.

In conclusion, this brief summary offers essential insights into Argentina's business and economic environment, providing you with a foundational picture for understanding the country’s business scene. 

Advantages of Doing Business in Argentina

Argentina's vibrant business environment presents several compelling advantages for entrepreneurs and investors alike, underpinned by its dynamic economy, strategic market access, and rich resource base. Here’s a closer look at some of the benefits:

Diverse Economy

Argentina’s economy is the second-largest economy in South America. It is marked by its diversity, encompassing key sectors that contribute significantly to its growth. It stands out as a global leader in agriculture, with robust exports in soy, wine, and beef, positioning it prominently on the world stage. The mining sector boasts substantial mineral deposits, enhancing its economic landscape. 

Additionally, the auto industry and steel production play vital roles in Argentina's industrial fabric, complemented by a strong banking sector that supports financial stability and growth. Tourism also adds to the country's economic vitality, attracting visitors worldwide to its diverse landscapes and cultural heritage.

 Moreover, Argentina is making notable strides in the technology sector, particularly in software development and fintech, signaling a burgeoning scene of innovation and digital advancement. This multifaceted economy underscores Argentina's dynamic market and its potential for business opportunities across various industries.

Skilled Workforce

With a population of 46 million people, the Argentine workforce is among the most qualified in the world. Here's why: Argentina has a world-class education system focused on technology skills. In fact, higher education in Argentina is free, and over 43 million people complete secondary education. This intellectual capital is a significant draw for businesses in knowledge-intensive sectors, offering a solid foundation for innovation and growth. 

In addition, many Argentinians speak a high level of English. According to English First’s English Proficiency Index (EPI), the country ranks 28 out of 113 countries and has an EPI score of 560, the highest in South America.

Strategic Geographical Location

Argentina's strategic geographical location at the southern cone of South America, bordering Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Uruguay, positions it as a central hub for trade and commerce, offering businesses a gateway to both regional and international markets. As a founding member of Mercosur trade bloc, Argentina enjoys preferential access to a vast consumer base of over 260 million, with benefits such as reduced tariffs and streamlined regulations that enhance its trade relationships across the continent.

Its extensive Atlantic coastline provides crucial access to global sea routes, with the Port of Buenos Aires serving as a vital node for international shipping, essential for sectors like agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. 

The country's robust infrastructure, including roads and railways, supports efficient goods movement, while its role as a regional leader and influential South American economy underlines Argentina's significance in trade negotiations and economic policies. This strategic and economic positioning, combined with active regional engagement, offers businesses unique opportunities for growth and expansion.

Rich Natural Resources

With an abundance of natural resources, including fertile lands, minerals, and renewable energy potential, Argentina is a treasure trove for industries ranging from agriculture and mining to energy. This wealth of resources supports a self-sustaining and resilient economic base for businesses. An interesting fact is that the region is estimated to hold more than half of global lithium reserves, mainly located in Argentina (21%). 

Growing Technology Ecosystem

Argentina's technology ecosystem is rapidly emerging as a beacon of innovation in Latin America, fueled by a highly educated and tech-savvy workforce, supportive government policies, and a dynamic startup culture. The country's emphasis on STEM education ensures a steady stream of skilled professionals driving the tech sector's growth, while initiatives such as tax incentives and R&D programs foster an environment ripe for innovation and entrepreneurship. Buenos Aires, the heart of Argentina's tech boom, hosts a vibrant community of startups, incubators, and accelerators, facilitating networking and development opportunities. Success stories like MercadoLibre and Globant underscore the global competitiveness of Argentine tech companies. With a focus on cutting-edge technologies such as AI, blockchain, and IoT, Argentina's tech ecosystem is not just contributing to the national economy but also positioning the country as a key player in global technological advancement

Favorable Business Policies

Recent reforms and policy shifts aim to create a more business-friendly environment in Argentina. Initiatives to streamline regulatory processes, improve tax regimes, and offer incentives for foreign investment are designed to attract and retain business activity within the country. Some of the aspects that you should consider are as follows:

Legal Framework and Entity Establishment

Argentina's legal system is based on civil law, with a comprehensive legal framework that facilitates the establishment and operation of businesses. The introduction of the Simplified Stock Corporation ("Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada" or SAS) is a testament to Argentina's efforts to streamline business processes and reduce bureaucratic barriers. This legal entity allows for a more flexible and efficient approach to business operations, which is particularly beneficial for new businesses and startups.

Foreign Investment and Corporate Structure

Argentina has a welcoming stance towards foreign investment. Foreign entities can operate directly by setting up a branch or a subsidiary, with the process streamlined through clear guidelines and requirements. The minimum capital requirement for corporations is set at ARS 100,000, which is quite accessible and encourages the establishment of various business ventures. 

Expansion and Operational Flexibility

Argentina has diverse types of business associations and contractual agreements available, such as Joint Ventures and Cooperating Consortium agreements. These structures provide businesses with the flexibility to expand operations, collaborate with local entities, and tap into new market segments without the need for a full-fledged corporate presence. This adaptability is crucial for businesses aiming to navigate the complexities of the Argentine market and leverage its strategic geographical location.

Governance and Management

Argentina offers flexibility in the management and operation of companies, with provisions for both corporations and limited liability companies. The country's corporate governance structure allows for the appointment of directors and managers, including foreign nationals, as long as the majority are Argentine residents. This inclusivity in governance and management roles further enhances the ease of doing business, allowing foreign investors to have a say in the operational direction of their Argentine entities.

Financial and Capital Options

The financial landscape in Argentina provides multiple options for injecting working capital into businesses, including corporate capital increases, loans, and irrevocable capital contributions. These options give businesses the financial flexibility to support their growth and operational needs. Furthermore, the process for returning proceeds from entities, such as dividends and capital returns, is well-regulated, ensuring that businesses can efficiently manage their finances.

Tax Incentives and Deductions

Argentina's tax incentives reflect a strategic approach to leveraging fiscal policy as a tool for economic development. By offering targeted benefits across various sectors, Argentina aims to attract investment, promote sustainable growth, and diversify its economic activities. Investors and businesses operating in or considering entering the Argentine market should closely examine these incentives to fully understand their potential benefits and requirements. Some of the industries that enjoy tax incentives are: mining activity (Law No. 24196), knowledge-based activities (Law No. 27506), renewable energy, and biotechnology (Law No. 26270). Small and medium-sized enterprises (Law No. 27264) and others.

Challenges of Doing Business in Argentina

Doing business in Argentina presents a complex landscape with a variety of challenges that companies must navigate to succeed in one of Latin America's largest markets. Some of the fundamental challenges are: 

Economic and Political Instability

Argentina's economic and political landscape has historically been volatile. This instability affects market predictability and can deter investment, making it challenging for businesses to plan long-term strategies and maintain stable operations. 

However, recent elections in Argentina present a promising shift towards economic stability and growth, with President Javier Milei advocating for libertarian principles and sound economic policies. The new “omnibus reform” signals a potential for reform and innovation in the country's economic landscape by reducing the number of ministries by half and scrapping hundreds of rules to deregulate the economy. Such changes are anticipated to boost investor confidence, stimulate entrepreneurship, and attract foreign direct investment, driving growth and creating jobs. 


One of the most persistent challenges to doing business in Argentina is the country's high inflation rate. Inflation affects nearly every aspect of economic activity, from operational costs to consumer purchasing power. The inflation rate in Argentina increased to 211.40 percent in December from 160.90 percent in November of 2023. Stabilizing the currency through reforms is one of the main agendas of the new president and government.

Dual-Rate Currency Exchange 

In Argentina, the coexistence of an official exchange rate and a parallel ("blue") rate creates a complex economic scenario. The official rate, set by the Central Bank, is used for formal transactions and is subject to government controls aimed at stabilizing the economy. The parallel rate, on the other hand, operates outside the formal system, is often higher than the official rate, and reflects the market's valuation of the peso in the informal economy.

This dual-rate system impacts businesses and investors by introducing financial planning challenges and additional risk due to fluctuating rates and regulatory uncertainties. For the general population, the disparity between rates can affect purchasing power and encourage a preference for foreign currencies.  In a groundbreaking move, Argentina has introduced Bitcoin as an official tender to provide its citizens and businesses with an alternative and decentralized means of transactions.

Regulatory Environment and Bureaucracy

Argentina is known for having one of the most regulated economies in the world, with the influence of the regulatory state intensifying since the 2000s. The country's complex regulatory framework and extensive red tape significantly complicate the processes of starting and operating a business. Additionally, stringent labor laws add to the complexity, requiring companies to navigate through a myriad of legal requirements and financial obligations. However, in a significant shift, Argentine President Javier Milei recently delivered a notably libertarian speech, announcing a major deregulation initiative. This initiative, described as the most extensive reform package in the country's history, involves a decree to repeal or reform 300 laws. Milei asserts that these changes will start to reverse "decades of failure, impoverishment, decadence, and anomie.”

Labor Market and Union Influence

Argentina's labor market is characterized by strong unions that play a significant role in negotiating labor conditions. Trade unions in Argentina have always been influential in the nation's politics. One of the most powerful umbrella unions, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) or Confederación General del Trabajo, has been a force since the 1930s, with approximately 40% of workers in the formal economy being unionized.

While this ensures protection for workers, it can lead to higher labor costs for businesses and complicate labor relations and workforce management due to frequent negotiations and demands

Construction Permits and Property Registration

Navigating the process of obtaining construction permits and registering property in Argentina can be a notably complex and time-consuming challenge for businesses. The procedure involves multiple steps, requiring approvals from various government entities and adherence to strict regulations. This complexity is compounded by regional variations in requirements and the need for detailed documentation, including environmental impact assessments and compliance with zoning laws. (In fact, it is similar to what we have here in the United States.)

For businesses looking to establish or expand their physical presence, understanding and efficiently managing this process is crucial. Delays in obtaining construction permits can significantly impact project timelines and costs. Similarly, the property registration process, vital for securing ownership rights and facilitating business operations, demands careful navigation of legal requirements. It involves securing a certificate of ownership and ensuring all related taxes and fees are accurately processed.

To effectively address these challenges, businesses often benefit from partnering with local experts, such as legal advisors and real estate professionals, and “permit runners” who understand the intricacies of Argentina's regulatory environment. 

Electrical and Utility Approvals

Securing electrical and utility approvals in Argentina involves navigating a complex regulatory landscape, which can pose significant challenges for businesses aiming to establish or expand operations. This process is crucial for ensuring access to essential services such as electricity, water, and telecommunications, but it often requires dealing with multiple governmental and regulatory bodies, each with its own set of requirements and procedures.

The procedure for obtaining these approvals typically includes submitting detailed plans for the utility connections, undergoing inspections to ensure compliance with safety and technical standards, and coordinating with local utilities for the installation and activation of services. The complexity is further heightened by the need to adhere to national and local regulations, which can vary significantly across different regions of the country.

Tips for Doing Business in Argentina

To successfully navigate Argentina's unique business environment, it's crucial to understand its cultural, economic, and regulatory nuances. Argentina, with its significant opportunities for business growth and expansion, also presents specific challenges that require strategic adaptation and local insights. Here are some essential tips aimed at helping businesses make the most of the opportunities in Argentina .

1. Understand the Business Culture

Argentine business culture values personal relationships and trust. Take the time to build rapport with your Argentine counterparts through face-to-face meetings and social gatherings. 

2. Be Patient with the Pace of Business

Decision-making in Argentina can be slow, with businesses often taking a thorough approach to negotiations and contracts. Patience and perseverance are key. Don’t expect the same pace as in the United States.

3. Navigate the Bureaucracy

Be prepared for red tape and regulatory hurdles. Having local legal and financial advisors can help navigate the complex business environment.

4. Adapt to the Dual Currency Exchange Rate

With the existence of official and parallel exchange rates, it's crucial to understand how each impacts business transactions and financial planning.

5. Embrace Flexibility

Economic fluctuations and policy changes are common. Businesses should remain flexible and adaptable to navigate the dynamic economic landscape.

6. Prioritize Local Partnerships and work with International Experts

Collaborating with local businesses can provide valuable insights into the market, help navigate local regulations, and establish trust with consumers.

7. Leverage Argentina's Skilled Workforce

Argentina boasts a highly educated and skilled workforce. Capitalize on local talent, especially in sectors like technology, agriculture, and services.

8. Understand Import Regulations 

If your business involves importing goods, be well-informed about Argentina's import regulations, taxes, and duties to avoid delays and additional costs.

9. Invest in Language and Cultural Understanding

While Spanish is the official language, English proficiency varies. Investing in language skills can improve communication and strengthen business relationships.

10. Monitor Economic Indicators 

Stay informed about Argentina's economic policies, inflation rates, and currency fluctuations to make informed business decisions and mitigate risks.

11. Embrace Cryptocurrency Opportunities 

With Argentina's progressive stance on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as part of its financial ecosystem, businesses should explore opportunities to incorporate digital currencies into their operations. This could offer advantages in terms of transaction speed, reduced costs, and access to new markets. 


In conclusion, we want to mention that understanding the business environment in Argentina goes beyond just a list of pros and cons. It's about recognizing the depth and complexity of various factors, both positive and negative, that shape the financial landscape of the country. This overview just scratches the surface, and if you are interested in a deeper exploration by leveraging Argentina's flexible immigration policies for your second base, plan B, additional residency, or citizenship via retirement visa, passive income visa, or just to travel and learn more about the culture, Golden Harbors is here to help. We can assist in obtaining the Argentine Financier “Rentista” Visa, Argentine Investor “Inversionista” Visa, Retirement “Pensionado” Visa, registering a company, and even help with Argentine citizenship by birth. Contact us to dive deeper into what Argentina has to offer.


Residence Benefits

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Fast application processing

1-3 months


Global mobility and freedom

international business expansion and entry into the South American market


Full rights of a resident

a residence permit is issued with the rights to work, do business and study in Argentina


Global mobility and freedom

No residence restrictions. Living in Argentina offers a unique and enriching experience, combining vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and a welcoming atmosphere


A clear path to citizenship

residents are eligible to apply for Argentine citizenship after two years of living in Argentina


Global mobility and freedom

there is no need to renounce your previous citizenship when obtaining an Argentine passport


Residence for the whole family

family members (spouse, financially dependent parents, and children) can apply for a residence permit together with the main applicant


Global mobility and freedom

Argentina has a favorable tax regime, with low taxes and generous incentives for foreign investors


Residence Permit

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Sign a service agreement with Golden Harbors, pay the initial service and due diligence fees, and fill out application forms


We help you prepare the necessary documentation for your chosen residency option


You travel to Argentina, and we assist you in applying for a residence card. Together, we submit all the documents to the Argentine Immigration Department (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones)


Government due diligence check, application review, and approval


At this step you pay the required government fees, complete your biometrics appointment, and obtain a residence permit in Argentina

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Every case requires an individual approach and solution. Our years of experience in the industry allow us to provide both.

We will answer all your questions and provide detailed information about the available second passport and residency programs to help you make the right choice.


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Lead Attorney at Golden Harbors